古代より神として祀られ大切に扱われてきた「火」、大地のスピリットと繋がる「炎」。 地球の地底が動き、地表から火が吹き上がる今。 火炎の精と繋がった者たちが天と地へ向かい捧げるのは、祈りの宴。
創造と情熱のエネルギーが出会うとき、その波動は宇宙にひろがって、すべてが太陽のように輝きだす。 それはすべての始まり! いつの日か、種族と国を超えて、一つの家族になれたら素晴らしい!! さぁ、共に冒険に出よう!!!
炎龍を思わせる豪奢な炎舞、炎と鏡玉と音と共に創られる神殿のような空間、美しい女神達の妖艶な祈りの舞。 火焔の世界が、闇の空間に立ち上がる。
Project-神響- presents
Universal Gypsy is the fire dance artists group gathered from around the world.
From ancient times, “FIRE” has been courteously treated as a God. And ”FLAMES” connect deeply within the earth spirit.
Now,the underground Earth move and fire was blown up from the surface of the Earth.
People connected with the spirit of the flame dedicate Feast of the prayer to heaven and Earth. Magnificent flame dance reminiscent of the Fiery Dragon, The temple-like space created with flames , crystal balls and sounds, A bewitching prayer dance by beautiful goddesses and so on … Blaze world stand up in the dark space. When the energy of creativity and passion meet,the wave spreads to space,and all that shine like the sun. It is beginning of all !
One day we could be one family across races and Nations. It would be great !! Now, let’s go on a adventure together !!!